RODEOHOUSTON® is organized into five three-day Super Series, two Semifinal rounds, two Wild Card rounds and a Championship round. Each series includes three rounds, with one round being performed each day. There are eight contestants in each of the eight rodeo events during the series. Each series advances the top four money winners in each event to one of the two Semifinal rounds, where 10 athletes compete in each event.

Both Semifinal rounds send the top four athletes in each event to the Championship, while the remaining six move to one of the two Wild Card rounds for a second chance at earning a spot in the Championship.

From both Wild Card rounds, the top one athlete in each event advances to the Championship.

$65,000 PAYOUT

The Championship includes all 10 athletes competing in each event. The top four advance and immediately ride again in the Championship Shootout Round to determine the event champion and the $65,000 payout.


Click on the below to learn more about each Rodeo event.

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Tie-Down Roping

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Bareback Riding

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Team Roping

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Saddle Bronc

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Steer Wrestling

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Barrel Racing

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Breakaway Roping

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Bull Riding



Grand Entry is the exciting opening to each and every RODEOHOUSTON performance. When the gate opens and Rodeo officials appear on horseback, the performance has officially begun. The winding trail of horses, buggies, carriages, hay wagons and fire trucks, brings a colorful exhibition of Rodeo officials, dignitaries, sponsors, volunteers and special guests to RODEOHOUSTON fans nightly.

National Anthem Salute

The sound of fireworks bursting and patriotic applause signal the start of the nightly RODEOHOUSTON performances. As a professional trick rider stands atop her horse and carries the American flag around the arena, RODEOHOUSTON fans rise, remove their cowboy hats and sing the “Star Spangled Banner.”

Calf Scramble

One of the wildest and most spirited events at RODEOHOUSTON is the calf scramble. During this event, 30 Texas 4-H and FFA members trade in their boots for tennis shoes, in an attempt to catch one of 15 calves darting in every direction.

The lucky members who catch a calf will be awarded a $1,750 certificate to apply toward the purchase of a registered beef heifer or market steer to exhibit at the Houston Livestock Show™ the following year. Exhibitors who return to the Rodeo will compete in a special competition and receive a $500 bonus check if program requirements are fulfilled.

The inaugural Super Scramble event was held in 2022. The Super Scramble event will take place on the final day of the Rodeo and will include the 19 scramblers that caught the first calf on each previous night of the Rodeo. The total purse for the Super Scramble event is $42,000, and will be distributed among each participant.

Truly unscripted, this heartwarming event provides youngsters with the opportunity to chase their dreams in hopes of a bright, educational future. Since the program’s inception in 1942, approximately $20.7 million in certificates and awards has been distributed to more than 23,900 students.

Mutton Bustin'

Rounding out the night, RODEOHOUSTON'S youngest cowboys and cowgirls cinch up their jeans and climb aboard an atypical rough stock animal — sheep, also known as mutton. Audience members smile and cheer on the determined 5- and 6-year-olds springing out of the chute for a thrilling and unforgettable ride.

While all contestants are winners in the mutton bustin’ competition, the rider who holds on the longest will receive a shiny, gold belt buckle and a resounding round of applause from the crowd. To qualify, all mutton bustin’ participants must be between the ages of five and six years old and not weigh more than 55 pounds.

Chuck Wagon Races

With strong ties to Western heritage, the chuck wagon races give RODEOHOUSTON audiences a taste of the Old West. At one point in time, large, canvas-topped wagons were used on long cattle drives as a kitchen where “chuck” or food was served. Once their bellies were full, cowboys would often race their wagons to pass the time.

Today’s chuck wagon races feature similar canvas-topped wagons, but on a smaller, lighter scale. Wagons are pulled by a team of six, specially-bred horses steered by daring cowboys or cowgirls through a figure 8 pattern in NRG Stadium.

Only three chuck wagon teams are allowed to enter the stadium at a time. An unwritten rule in this competition requires the lead driver to move his or her team to the outer circle of the arena, allowing the other teams access to the inside lane and a chance to catch up.

Traveling at speeds up to 30 miles per hour, the wagon’s sharp turns on two wheels and close encounters have RODEOHOUSTON fans on the edge of their seats, eagerly watching to see if their predicted chuck wagon crosses the finish line first.



The voices of RODEOHOUSTON are the pulse of the Rodeo with distinctive voices, wit and continuous tidbits of information. With the best rodeo athletes competing at RODEOHOUSTON, it is only fitting that the Rodeo features top announcers.


  • Poolville, Texas
    announcer since 1982


  • Brenham, Texas
     announcer since 1993


  • Ocala, Florida
    announcer since 2014


  • Canyon, Texas
    color commentator since 2025

Enrique Vasquez

  • New Waveryly, TX

    Spanish announcer since 2022

Luis Canela

  • Denver, CO

    Spanish announcer since 2022

rodeo personnel


Cervi Championship Rodeo Company - Sterling, Colorado


Binion Cervi, Cervi Championship Rodeo Company - Sterling, Colorado


Sunni Deb Backstrom - Congress, Arizona


Vicki Pack - Houston, TX
Marissa Muncy
- Corona, NM


Whether they’re wearing traditional “baggies” (cut-off jeans, usually held up with suspenders) or a custom-made uniform, bullfighters are the lifeguards of the rodeo arena. Without their amazing athleticism, a cowboy would have to face the challenge of riding, and dismounting, a thousand-pound bull alone. The mission of every bullfighter is to divert the bull's attention away from the exiting rider by whatever means possible.

Dusty Tuckness – Wanette, Oklahoma
Nate Jestes – Douglas, Wyoming
Beau Schueth – O’Neill, Nebraska


Working from an open-ended barrel, the barrelman serves as a diversion for an angry bull. The bullfighters may also use the barrel as a distraction to allow escape time for a downed or injured rider.

Barrelman, John Harrison - Soper, Oklahoma
Stadium Personality and 2025 Hall of Fame Inductee, Leon Coffee - Blanco, Texas


The success of rodeo cowboys depends not only on their skills and mastery of the sport, but also on the judges and their ability to make the right call. It is essential that rodeo judges perform their jobs with complete fairness and exceptional knowledge. A rodeo judge's day begins at least three hours before the performance. He and his judging staff look over all the livestock, seeing to it that all animals are healthy and fit to compete. Judges score the roughstock events on both the rider and the animal. The judges scores of 0 - 25 are combined for the contestant's total score. Judges also watch for any incident that would disqualify the rider, such as touching the animal with his free hand or "missing the mark" - failing to have his feet in position at the beginning of a bareback or saddle bronc ride. In timed events, judges ensure the fairness of each run by watching to see if the contestant breaks the barrier, which gives the calf or steer a head start. They also watch for anything that might call for disqualification, including improper catches. Penalty errors, such as only catching one hind leg in team roping, are also kept track of by judges. Judges are also flagmen, calling the end of the run and signaling the timer to mark the official time.

Following every rodeo performance, judges inspect all the livestock that was used and notify the event's veterinarian if any animal needs medical attention and/or treatment.


Everyone needs a helping hand now and then, but cowboys rely on the pick-up men in the arena to help them out of tight spots. If the bronc rider makes it to the whistle, you can bet the first thing he sees is a man on a horse riding in to help him dismount without injury. The pick-up man's job is to aid the bronc rider in dismounting, while loosening rigging and helping the horse to find the out gate. Pick-up men are all-around cowboys who aid in every event by herding the cattle after roping, helping cowboys off broncs, or even roping a bull who is enjoying the spotlight out of the arena. These men help the rodeo run smoothly.

Chase Cervi - Roggen, CO
Randy Britton - Kiowa, CO
Taos Munch - Corona, NM

Arena Crew

The arena crew is a vital group of individuals that are behind-the-scenes working hard to make sure that each RODEOHOUSTON performance is a success. Members of the arena crew can be found sorting stock before each performance, loading stock into the chutes, coordinating the opening of all gates and chutes, keeping the arena safe and clear, setting the barrel racing pattern, and much more.

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Defyin’ Gravity Awards

Rodeo events require intense mental concentration from cowboys and cowgirls trying to defy the odds and beat the clock. Sometimes though, the ride does not go as planned and contestants are faced with not so graceful dismounts and jumps a little too high. The hardworking cowboys and cowgirls end their mission with the same kind of weightlessness than an astronaut feels in space.

The Defyin’ Gravity Awards recognize contestants with the wildest rides and the toughest luck, regardless of whether or not they beat the clock.  Rodeo fans watch the replays and use an applause meter to determine who had the roughest ride of the night.

Nightly Defyin’ Gravity Award winners receive a travel voucher and are entered to win the ultimate Defyin’ Gravity Award – one year’s worth of travel funds. The ultimate Defyin’ Gravity contestant from RODEOHOUSTON will be decided by audience members during the Super Series Championship Round on Sunday, March 19.


Bareback Riding

Score Year Athlete Hometown
93 points 2014 Kaycee Feild Genola, Utah
93 points 2013 Tom McFarland Bowie, Texas
93 points 2012 Kaycee Feild Genola, Utah

Barrel Racing

Time Year Athlete Hometown
13.92 seconds 2012 Carlee Pierce Stephenville, Texas
13.92 seconds 2015 Kaley Bass Davenport, Florida

Breakaway Roping

Time Year Athlete Hometown
2.2 seconds 2024 Macy Young Wittmann, Arizona

Bull Riding

Points Year Athlete Hometown
94 points 2014 Tyler Smith Fruita, Colorado
94 points 2003 Terry Don West Henryetta, Oklahoma

Saddle Bronc Riding

Points Year Athlete Hometown
94 points 2014 Cody DeMoss Heflin, Louisiana

Steer Wrestling

Time Year Athlete Hometown
3.2 seconds 2011 Kyle Hughes Olney Springs, Colorado
3.2 seconds 2003 Mike Garthwaite Merritt, B.C., Canada
3.2 seconds 2003 Sean Mulligan Aurora, South Dakota

Team Roping

Time Year Athlete Hometown
4 seconds 2018 Matt Sherwood & Walt Woodard Pima, Arizona & Stephenville, Texas

Tie-Down Roping

Time Year Athlete Hometown
7.4 seconds 2016 Adam Gray Seymour, Texas
7.4 seconds 2017 Caleb Smidt Bellville, Texas

Tie-Down Roping

Tie-down roping was inspired by the traditional method cowboys use to gather cattle for medical treatment or branding when chutes and working pens were not readily available. This timed event requires the horse and its rider to be in sync, working together to catch and tie-down the runaway calf, who is allowed a head start.

When the calf reaches a certain distance from the chute, it trips a lever releasing the barrier on the roping box. When the barrier is released, the roper and his horse take off in hot pursuit. In a matter of seconds, the cowboy swings the rope over his head, launching it forward around the calf’s neck. The horse then slides to a halt, allowing the roper to dismount and run toward the calf. Reaching the calf, the roper quickly flips it over and begins to tie any three of the calf’s legs. Once the calf is tied, the roper throws his hands in the air, stopping the clock.

A 10-second penalty is added if the horse and his rider break the barrier. In order for the roper’s time to be recorded, the calf must stay tied for an official six seconds, from the time the roper remounts the horse. If the calf comes untied during this time, the team will receive a no-time.

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Bareback Riding

Perhaps the most physically demanding rodeo event, bareback riding tests the cowboy’s strength and ability to hang on without any assistance from equipment. Thus, the rider must rely only on his technique and training, in order to make it to the eight-second whistle.

A successful ride begins with the appropriate mount in the chute. The rider, lying flat on the horse’s back, must keep his front legs above the horse’s shoulders before its front hooves hit the arena dirt on the first jump.

When the chute gate opens, the rider must also keep one hand on the rigging — a leather strap placed behind the horse’s front legs — with the other hand in the air. If the rider’s free hand touches himself, the rigging, or the horse, at any point during the ride, he will be disqualified.

Both the horse and the rider are judged in this event. For the duration of the ride, the cowboy should continually spur in rhythm with the horse’s bucking action. This helps the rider maintain stability and proper form. If the horse fails to buck or performs poorly, the rider may be offered a re-ride on a different horse, selected by stock contractors before every performance.

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Team Roping

Team roping is the only rodeo event that allows cowboys to work together in the arena. In this timed event, teamwork and trust are vital, as anything can happen when the steer is released from the chute.

The first roper, also called the header, is positioned to the left of the steer, with the second roper, or the heeler, to the right of the steer. When the header leaves the roping box, he must first rope the steer around both horns before the heeler can throw his rope around the steer’s back legs. If the header misses, the team receives a no-score.

If the header catches, he must loop or “dally” his rope around the saddle horn, turning the steer for the heeler to catch. If the heeler only catches one leg, the team will be penalized by five seconds. The team also will be penalized if the header leaves the box too soon, breaking the barrier. Time is called when both horses turn to face each other, with no slack in the ropes, holding the steer.

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Saddle Bronc

Saddle bronc riding traces its roots back to the Old West when cowboys would throw saddles on wild horses to break and train them for their cattle ranches. While the rough stock event has evolved over time, saddle bronc riding is considered to be rodeo’s classic event.

From the moment the chute gate opens, cowboys must maintain control of the horse and sit snug in the saddle while holding on to a thickly-braided rein attached to the horse’s halter. The rider must also keep his free hand in the air and his feet in the stirrups while spurring in rhythm with the horse’s jumps. If the rider loses his stirrups or if his free hand touches the rein or the horse at any point during the ride, he will be disqualified.

In saddle bronc riding, the heels of the rider’s front feet must remain above the horse’s shoulders until the horse completes its first jump. If the rider successfully maintains control and draws an athletic horse, he is sure to ride his way to victory.

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Steer Wrestling

In this speed-driven event, cowboys use their strength and body weight to tackle and flip a runaway steer weighing up to 600 pounds. Also called “bulldogging,” steer wrestling is one of the fastest events in rodeo, with a RODEOHOUSTON record of 3.2 seconds.

Cowboys test their luck, athletic ability and technique during this event. Starting out in a holding pen, commonly referred to as the “box,” the steer wrestler and his horse, waiting patiently behind a rope barrier next to a steer in a chute, are ready to run. When the chute gate opens, the steer charges forward and the timer starts. When the steer is a certain distance from the box, the barrier is tripped and the steer wrestler begins to chase after the steer. If the steer wrestler leaves the box too soon and “trips the barrier,” he receives a 10-second penalty.

With the assistance of a hazer, a second cowboy on horseback who keeps the steer running in a straight line, steer wrestlers dismount their horse, hook their arms around the steer’s horns, dig their feet in the ground and flip the steer on its back. The clock only stops when the steer is completely flat on the ground with all four legs pointing in the same direction.

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Barrel Racing

This all-women’s rodeo event requires a team effort between the horse and the rider. In a race against the clock, the cowgirl guides her horse through a cloverleaf pattern — three barrels arranged in a triangle formation.

Running full-speed into the arena, the rider has the option to drive her horse to either the left barrel or the right barrel, first. In an ideal situation, the rider makes sharp turns around each barrel without knocking any over. If the rider knocks over a barrel, a five second penalty will be added to the final time. In an event where every second counts, there is no room for error.

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Breakaway Roping

The newest RODEOHOUSTON event, Breakaway Roping, is a variation of calf roping, starting with a roper in the box and a calf in the chute. When the roper nods to release the calf, it is given a head start and the clock starts running. The roper must rope the calf with a “bell collar catch” and stop their horse. When the rope is pulled tight, it “breaks away” from the saddle where it is tied with a piece of string. When the string breaks, the calf is released and the clock stops.

Most breakaway runs last between 2 and 4 seconds. Not giving the calf the proper head start will result in a broken barrier and a 10 second penalty. An illegal catch, like roping feet in the loop, will result in a no-time. Only the calf is allowed to break the rope free from the saddle, if the roper manually releases the rope, it will also result in a no-time.

Breakaway roping is used in many aspects of horse training and practice. It can be a tool to teach a tie-down roping horse to stop correctly, or a way for kids to start learning the fundamentals. The RODEOHOUSTON event will feature only female competitors and is sanctioned by the WPRA.

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Bull Riding

In bull riding, the cowboy’s physical strength and ability is tested as he faces-off with a bull weighing up to 2,000 pounds with one goal in mind, to send the rider flying.

Holding on to a bull rope with just one hand, this event requires intense concentration and balance from the bull rider. A bull rope is a flat, braided rope that wraps around the bull’s torso. A weighted metal bell hangs in the middle of the rope and falls free from the animal when the cowboy lets go. Similar to other rough stock events, bull riders will be disqualified if their free hand touches himself, the bull rope or the animal at any point during the ride.

This event is judged on a 100-point scale and takes into account the performance of both the rider and the bull. If the rider is lucky enough to make it to the eight second whistle, he will be judged on his ability to maintain control and correct form during the ride. The bull, on the other hand, will be judged on his athleticism and bucking action.

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