The RODEOHOUSTON® Super Series is a 20-day tournament-style competition that crowns an event champion in bareback riding, bull riding, saddle bronc riding, steer wrestling, tie-down roping, team roping, women’s barrel racing and breakaway roping.

With a total payout of $2,533,500, each champion is awarded $65,000 (plus previous round winnings), a custom-made saddle and belt buckle, and an invitation to compete at RODEOHOUSTON the following year. RODEOHOUSTON is an official PRCA NFR money event, with earnings from RODEOHOUSTON counting toward qualification for the NFR and the PRCA/WPRA World Standings.

The RODEOHOUSTON Super Series consists of 40 top Rodeo competitors competing in eight events. The series is divided into five parts, each consisting of three rounds. Each of the three rounds includes nine contestants. The top four competitors in each Super Series advance to one of two Semifinal rounds. The top four competitors from each Semifinal go to the Championship. The remaining six competitors from each Semifinal get one more chance by competing in one of two Wildcard rounds. The top athlete from each Wildcard advances to the Championship.

Ten athletes compete in the Championship. The top 4 in each event ride one more time in Shootout.The Champions take home $65,000, a custom-made saddle and a belt buckle.

Learn more about Rodeo here »