For the first time in over 30 years, RodeoHouston will debut a new rotating concert stage on opening day, Feb. 27, 2018. Designed and fabricated by TAIT, the leading producer of live entertainment equipment in the world, the stage will feature the latest technology to boost concert presentation and fan experience.

Stage Facts

  • star-shaped stage with five star points, each with an arm length of 36 feet and a base of 23 feet
  • each star point can be raised individually or jointly and can be lowered to the arena surface or raised to create an elevated performance position
  • 48-foot diameter round rotating performance area (previous stage was 40-foot diameter), which enables the artist to be closer to the audience
  • basic performance area sits 7 feet off of the arena surface
  • 22-foot-tall motion controlled LED backdrop video screen
  • self-propelled with automated positioning system

Returning for his third RodeoHouston performance, Garth Brooks will be the first entertainer to perform on the new stage.