RODEOHOUSTON Super Series II is officially underway, and the daysheet is out for Round 1. Check out the top three headlines of the Series.

  1. Defending Champ
    Athlete: Riley Webb
    Riley is the defending RODEOHOUSTON Champion and reigning World Champion. The quest for a title defense starts today.
  2. Collecting Crowns
    Athlete: Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi
    Brittany just captured her third world title in December, but the top spot at RODEOHOUSTON still eludes her grasp. Her trek to take the crown begins tonight.
  3. Rookie Turned Pro
    Athlete: T Parker
    T won the rookie of the year title last year, making his first trip to the National Finals Rodeo. The Winnie, TX native grew up dreaming of riding here in Houston. Now as a competitor, he’s ready for the challenge.

Browse tickets to watch these storylines in action here or stream the Rodeo each night here.