Dogs, frisbees and green shavings flew as Houston Disc Dogs and Trick Dogs Entertainment put on an energetic show Sunday, March 17, in NRG Center’s Main Arena.


Houston Disc Dogs and Trick Dogs Entertainment owner Pennie Mahon said the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo™ is one of her favorite places to entertain a crowd, even after 10 years of it.


“This year we have had wonderful crowds,” Mahon said. “It is a huge venue and we really enjoy it.”


The cheer and applause of the crowd indicated their approval as the dogs soared through the air over jumps, after frisbees and onto their handler’s backs. With just a word or small hand-gesture, the dogs were cued to weave through their handler’s steps or into their arms.


Mahon’s show co-hosts were Dee Callazo, Christopher Cruz, and eight four-legged entertainers. Mahon said they all perform professionally and compete at shows across the country.


Mahon said her passion for frisbee dogs was sparked 17 years ago with a dog that naturally loved catching frisbees. The business progressed to entertainment from there.


“The dogs have led us the whole way,” Mahon said. “It is their journey, our ride.”


Due to the complexity of the skills they are training, Mahon said it takes a minimum of two years before they are brought in front of a crowd, but the training continues the span of the dog’s life.


Mahon said 90 percent of the stars in her shows come straight from the shelter. She hopes her shows inspire people to rescue dogs.


“A lot of the dogs we use in the shows are highly intelligent, very athletic and have a lot of energy, but they are exactly the type that are not conducive for regular pet homes, so they find themselves in shelters,” Mahon said.


Mahon said she also hopes her shows motivate people to further their own dog’s training.


“Dogs want nothing more than to be with you and for you to interact with them,” Mahon said.